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SPWI 2012 By Teknik Industri UI


Wednesday, February 29, 2012 by

Seminar Pengembangan Wawasan Industri (SPWI) 2012 or Seminar in Developing Industrial Knowledge is the Annual Seminar organized by Industrial Engineering Student Association UI. Last year, I was the committee for this event. This year is the 13th SPWI placed in Oasis Amir Hotel, Jakarta with theme “Empowering Indonesian Industry: Green Manufacturing for Industrial Improvement.”  The speakers of SPWI 2012 are from Industrial Ministry of Indonesia, BSN Indonesia, Unilever, Ciba Vision, and Krakatau Steel.

Green Manufacturing is about how to reduce waste and reduce energy in Manufacturing Area. But, I think the “Green” is not just about manufacturing. This should be implemented in all aspect of your life, especially from life style.

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