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Archive for September 2011

Photo Story


Saturday, September 24, 2011 by

Every Picture Has Their Own Stories .....

Enterprise Resource Planning



ERP adalah sistem informasi yang diperuntukkan bagi perusahan manufaktur maupun jasa yang berperan mengintegrasikan dan mengotomasikan proses bisnis yang berhubungan dengan aspek operasi, produksi maupun di perusahaan bersangkutan. ERP mempunyai kemampuan untuk mengintegrasikan semua proses yang ada dalam area fungsional perusahaan, antar departemen, maupun antar lokasi yang berbeda. Dengan integrasi sistem ini data yang tadinya didapat dari sistem yang berbeda-beda akan diintegrasikan menjadi sistem tunggal dengan format yang standar.

Pada tahun 2005 PT PLN Persero ( me-rollout aplikasi ERP yang diterapkan di tiga proses bisnis, yaitu: Keuangan (Financial Management), Sumber Daya Manusia (Human Resource) dan Pergudangan (Material Management). Penerapan ERP ini akan mengintegrasikan seluruh kantor PLN baik pusat maupun daerah secara on-line, dan seluruh kantor PLN tersebut akan terstandarisasi.

Yongkie. Penerapan ERP di PLN. Available at (Diakses 23 September 2011)

5th Term, Here I Am!



Yeay, I’m so excited to enter this 5th term. Oiya, I forget to introduce myself. I’m Zidni, my full official name is Muhammad Zidni Mubarok. Now I’m a 3rd grade Industrial Engineering Student at UI Depok. I come from Tegal, but people said that I’m not look like from Tegal hehe (red: @NgomongNgapak)

Why I’m so excited in this term? Because  I will focus to study the core competence of Industrial Engineering Knowledge. Before that, I should study the integrated Engineering lectures like Calculus, Linier Algebra, Physics, Machine Elements, etc.

There’s one thing waited IE Student in this 5th term: Ya, the PPIC Game. This game is he simulation of the Production Planning and Control lecture. We will comeback to the childhood by playing Tamiya or we will master the Lobby of FTUI all the day haha

Uuppss, I forget to tell the lectures in this term that must be taken:
-          Management Information Systems
-          Human Factors in Engineering and Design (Ergonomi)
-          Industrial Strategic Management
-          System Modelling
-          Industrial Marketing
-          Production Planning and Control
-          Corporate Finance

All the lectures totally 21 credits, each subject is 3 credits. Beside I have to enter the lectures, I also have many organizational activities in TEKNIKA the Journalistic Board in FTUI ( as the Vice Editor, and SINTESA or Tegal Students Brotherhood at UI ( , I also be the GreenPeace Supporter (

Well, Let’s Fighting!

Welcome to My Blog



Finally, I have a blog (again) after 1 year ago I made it too but I forgot with my email pasword so I can’t enter my blog haha. I was too busy at that time, So I never managed my blog and yeah finally I forgot the pasword. Badly, I didn’t publish that blog.

This blog actually made to fulfill the lectures task namely Management Information Systems by Mr. Dachyar ( Maybe I will make posting many things about Management Information Systems in this blog as the place for collecting my own tasks.

But, I will keep share something about my interest especially like Photography, Cooking, Writing, and Travelling. In the other words, this blog will promote my Personal Branding (maybe) hehe surely my family life too as my super real personal branding.

Hmmm... Maybe I will make posting with many language like English, Indonesian, and Javanish. I hope you will understand it. Sorry for my lousy grammar in English before, the wrong Indonesian EYD, or if you don’t know about javanish.

Oke, I just wanna say: Let’s Adventure with My Blog! X.O.X.O

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