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KRL Jakarta Modeling Project 2012


Tuesday, January 31, 2012 by

This year, as part of the modeling project major assignment of system modeling class, the class decided to raise the topic that are close to their daily activities, the Greater Jakarta Commuter Line. Universitas Indonesia has a dedicated intercity rail station of a train line that spans from Central Jakarta to the Bogor City in the south area, nickname “KRL Jabodetabek.” It is targeted that in 2014, there will be 1.2 million passengers carried by this line.

The models are complex and challenging with so many obstacles since they started building the model 2 months ago. However, We have successfully completed our model, and in January 10th, 2012 have presented our models in the SEMS Lab’s Simulation Gaming Area. Each group will be presenting a specific problems by ProModel Software that they want to solve based on the generic model they build, from maintenance scheduling, passenger queue, resource scheduling, train schedule, electrical supply and many other.

My team got a topic about the additional number of trains planned by PT KCJ in 2012 because there will be the addition of KRL passengers about 6% per year. The solution approach selected of the problem is to optimize the number of cars with passenger capacity to model the rail system by adding 100 unit train in 2012 (source: Press Release PT. Rail Commuter Jakarta on November 22th, 2011).

The System Modeling tasks were really exhausting. This was more hectic than the PPIC Game. We should be in SEMS Lab during a all the day from 8:00 AM until 8:00 PM. That's all due to limited operating of laboratory. I collapse at the end of the presentation until the end of this class. Hahaha I got the tonsilitis being too tired, lack of sleep, and irregular eating. Luckily, it happened after the final exam is over. So I can got a power rest in my hometown.

Well, congratulations to Class of 2009 on they achievement on developing a very complex discrete event model.

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