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S.M.I.L.E :-)


Tuesday, February 26, 2013 by

Do you judge people by the way they dress or their look? Mostly people said that they judge people first by their appearance, even my motivator teacher when they strongly said that I’ve been look first by my appearance. Sometimes it’s right but you just show them from outside. Nowadays, fashion is really booming so that everyone really cares about it to get an authorization about theirs. Yap, me too. But, personally I don’t judge the people when I met them first by their appearance. Do you know what the tool is? That’s SMILES!

Smiles never fool. Everyone have their own smiles. Smiles represent your feeling till your character, whenever you feel sad, ashamed, happy, and many feelings. I also learn about smile when looking for the Asia’s Next Top Model portrait. When the finalist must show their inner beauty from their face portrait, there are so many expression that each finalist show up. There is Helena that show the sexy pose, Sofia with the strong character, Jessica with the bright looks, and Astha with the smile that show as if she has a secret. That can be built by your smile and eyes expression primarily. Your smile will relate to your eyes expression to build your face looks. Even tough you are an actor; you can’t show your pure smile to express your real feeling at that time. That’s Asia’s Next Top Model finalist must take many shoots to get the best pictures, it’s approximately 10 minutes for the shoots.  Maybe many actors/ model success to smile purely because they can act as if they feel the true feeling with many practices and many cuts from the scene. But, the pure smile doesn’t need practice, it comes unconsciously but everyone can show it.

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